Fönn frá Ílse

Kammon Yuki

関門 癒貴


"A better fare I sought for you,
to mend thee with a beat for two.
Alas, we part again my dear,
amidst war's drumming torrent."

Though she wields a bow and can certainly sing, Yuki's excellent ability with salves and shy fairy companion make short work of nearly any wound. She is earnest in her role as the Ryōsa of the Kammon clan, but spends as much time as she is able out and about. She doesn't talk to people, as conversation isn't something she enjoys.Instead, she observes her surroundings; people, creatures, nature, and more. And it all becomes a little tune hummed under her breath as she and her fairy find wounds to mend and flora to tend. Offering payment is a surefire way to ruin her mood, though, and prompts an acidic refusal.


"Deep in the woods we came away,
Lost to our home, we were forbade;
The Wood's song, mourning, shall not hear,
amidst war's roaring torrent."

Yuki was born in the village of Ílse, alongside other Viera, with the name Fönn. She was raised to be a Salve-Maker, despite wishing to be a Wood Warder. To her delight, she and her friend, Hindrún, often snuck off into the woods to play. Unfortunately, when she was 12, he turned 13 and was whisked away by a male Warder from beyond the village boundaries, and she was, to her mind, sequestered away with her new master.She found she was talented as a Salve-Maker, but still hung onto her regrets about her path in life and the pang she felt missing her friend. After 5 years, she waited excitedly for him to return to celebrate his successful training as a Wood-Warder and regale her with tales of his adventures, but he and his master did not arrive. Most in the village assumed they were fine, but waylaid - as was often the case. But a sinking feeling grew in her heart and her worst fears were confirmed when word came that his master's body had been found among dozens of Garlean troops, and that tracks indicated they had left the wood, likely with Hindrún, alive but enslaved.For several years, she mourned his loss and tried to return to her life in the wood. But she could no longer focus on her work. Fury became her standard mood more and more as she raged at the village for abandoning him... and the Voice of the Wood grew quiet, until she could not hear it at all. In the night, 4 years later, she slipped through the boundaries of the village and never looked back.


"The long road, walked as days accrued.
Your trodden path beyond my view,
what I'd have gave to have you near
amidst war's seething torrent?"

She resolved to find Hindrún and free him, but knew nothing of the outside world. Her first concern, though, was exiting the wood without being caught. Too much to ask for, unfortunately, when a Warder found her weeks away from the forest's edge. To her surprise, though, the Warder did not take her back to the village. Instead, he gave her a bow and taught her how to use it, warning her that he had already received word that she was, like Hindrún, now lost to the wood. She no longer had any choice but to forge ahead.As she neared the forest's edge and parted with the Warder, she was set upon by a tiny creature with the figure of a woman and butterfly wings. She realized it was a faerie named Meliae, and though she treat it respectfully, she did her best to lose the creature's interest. It followed her anyway. She accepted that it would be her companion until the forest's edge, and then it would depart. It followed her anyway.It took a few more days traveling in the open north, toward Garlemald, before she resigned herself to the miniscule creature's company. Fast friends they became, though, as she traveled first towards Garlemald and then to its colonies, searching endlessly for any sign of Hindrún and only rewarded with hardship and pain. As time passed, the necessities of travel and the circumstances of each place she travelled to forced Hindrún farther and farther from her mind. She, with the Faerie's help, took to healing those she could and helping refuges and renegades escape the occupied territories of Garlemald. Approaching 18 years after leaving the village, she had all but given up on finding her wayward childhood friend.


"I traveled far just for that day,
My heart, your presence did elate.
why, then, is it so filled with fear,
amidst war's drowning torrent?"

At this time, she made her way to Hingashi where she spent some time there as a guard and healer for hire. It was here she heard tell of the fall of the Kammon clan. She dismissed it at first, until she learned the gifted adopted heir to the clan was Viera. She jumped on the lead, following his tracks through Hingashi, but lost them when he disappeared across the ocean.She gathered the remaining members of the Kammon clan she could find, hoping one would give her answers to his whereabouts. They were at a loss until word came that a Viera matching the heir's description had been seen and left for Othard. They tracked him to the Azim Steppes, where they finally found him moments before he found the fabled sword of the Kammon clan, Kyozenrei.Her relief was boundless when she confirmed it was her long lost friend, Hindrun. Together, they returned to Eorzea. She learned about his new employers... and his dark curse.


"What have they done, they've broken you,
asleep, I dare not think it true.
When will you wake? 'tis so unclear,
amidst my weeping torrent."

Even as she and Hindrun organized and began rebuilding the Kammon clan, conflict between the Muramasa and Akagami clan saw Ishizue's barriers shattered repeatedly. Eventually it became too much, and his unstable aether became unable to repair itself under the siege of the void taint, kept only in check by Kyozenrei. Thus, he fell into a coma and could not be healed.Now, Fonn - known as Yuki - manages the Kammon clan on her own and reports to the Muramasas grudgingly. She searches for a way to wake Hindrun, but has found no way to save him yet.